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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-25 06:34:08  浏览:8172   来源:法律资料网
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部长 石广生



  第一条 为规范反倾销退税程序,根据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》规定,制定本规则。

  第二条 对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)指定进出口公平贸易局负责实施本规则。

  第三条 倾销产品的进口商有证据证明已经缴纳的反倾销税金额超过实际倾销幅度的,可以按照本规则向外经贸部提出退税申请。

  第四条 退税申请的提出不得晚于实际缴纳反倾销税后的3个月。

  第五条 退税申请应以书面形式提出,并由申请人的法定代表人或其授权人正式签署。

  第六条 退税申请应附下列证据和材料:
  (一) 申请人及其供应商的名称、地址及有关情况;
  (二) 申请前6个月内被调查产品的国内平均销售价格、交易笔数、总金额,对中华人民共和国的平均出口价格、交易笔数、总金额,对第三国(地区)的平均出口价格、交易笔数、总金额;
  (三) 申请前6个月内被调查产品的正常价值、出口价格的数据;
  (四) 为计算倾销幅度而必须作出的各种调整及倾销幅度的初步计算结果;
  (五) 就其申请退税的被调查产品的进口合同、发票、提单、付款凭证的复印件以及申请人缴纳反倾销税的凭证;
  (六) 申请人认为需要说明的其他内容。

  第七条 第六条(一)至(四)项应按原反倾销调查问卷所要求的内容及形式提交。

  第八条 如退税申请涉及多个供应商,应分别提出申请。

  第九条 如果进口商与出口商、生产商无关联关系,而上述证据、材料无法由进口商直接提供,则退税申请应包含出口商、生产商的声明。

  第十条 申请书应分为保密文本(如申请人提出保密申请)和公开文本。保密文本和公开文本均应提交1份正本、6份副本。

  第十一条 外经贸部可以根据《反倾销调查实地核查暂行规则》,对出口商、生产商所提交证据、材料的准确性和完整性进行实地核查。

  第十二条 外经贸部按照《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》第4条、第5条、第6条的规定,确定申请退税产品在申请前6个月内的正常价值、出口价格以及倾销幅度。

  第十三条 出口价格根据进口产品首次转售给独立购买人的价格推定的,如果申请人有充分的证据证明,反倾销税已适当地反映在此价格及以后的国内销售价格中,则外经贸部在计算推定的出口价格时,不应扣除已缴纳的反倾销税税额。

  第十四条 如外经贸部经过审查,倾销幅度与原裁决结果相比并未降低,外经贸部应驳回退税申请。

  第十五条 外经贸部驳回申请的,应通知申请人并说明理由。

  第十六条 外经贸部应自接到退税申请之日起于12个月内完成退税审查。

  第十七条 外经贸部应于退税审查期限届满15日前向国务院关税税则委员会提出退税建议,并在审查期限届满前将国务院关税税则委员会的决定通知申请人和海关。

  第十八条 退税金额为原反倾销调查所确定的倾销幅度与新确定的倾销幅度之间的差额。

  第十九条 退税申请的审查结果不影响原反倾销措施的效力。

  第二十条 如经审查,外经贸部发现倾销幅度有所提高,可自主决定发起期中复审。

  第二十一条 本规则由外经贸部负责解释。

  第二十二条 本规则自2002年4月15日起实施。

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副主任委员:白景富 公安部副部长
杨衍银 民政部副部长
王玉庆 环保总局副局长
章沁生 总参谋部作战部部长
委员:张业遂 外交部副部长
陈德第 发展改革委动员办主任
楼继伟 财政部副部长
洪善祥 交通部副部长
奚国华 信息产业部副部长
王陇德 卫生部副部长
王德学 安全监管局副局长
周波港 澳办副主任
王国庆 新闻办副主任
李黄 气象局副局长
陈连增 海洋局副局长
黄斌 总参谋部兵种部副部长
李建华 总后勤部卫生部副部长





(State Administration of Taxation: 25 October 1993 Guo Shui Fa[1993] No. 112)

Whole Doc.

To tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, tax bureaus of cities with separate planning and to
sub-bureaus of off shore oil tax administrative bureau:
In order to ensure implementation of the system whereby VAT tax
deduction is clearly indicated in invoices, the model of the Special VAT
Invoices (hereinafter referred to as Special Invoices) is hereby issued to
you and you are notified of the following related questions:
I. The temporary model and form number (attached behind) of the
Special Invoice. The Province, autonomous region or municipality where
the tax authorities are located are clearly printed at the top of the
invoice, the method for arranging the word track and word number is to be
self-decided. The number of invoice forms consist of four forms, the first
form is the stub form, the second the invoice form, the third is the
deduction form and the fourth the account keeping form.
II. The second and third forms of the Special Invoice are
chromatographed with the unified national invoice manufacture supervision
Seal of provincial-level tax authorities, the related stipulations of the
Document Guo Shui Fa (1991) No. 112 should be implemented in regard to the
location of the chromatographed seal.
Thirdly, as to the color of the Special Invoice, the second form is
brown, the third form green, but no unified national stipulation is laid
down for the color of other invoice forms.
Fourthly, the Special Invoice consists of two specifications, those
printed in Chinese character are 40-mo (190 x 105); those printed in two
languages are 32-mo (190 x 130). No unified national stipulation is laid
down for the nominal limit.
Fifthly, The second and third forms of the Special Invoice shall be
printed with the special paper for anti-forged invoices produced by the
factory designated by the State Administration of Taxation, without
printing the burelage. Carbon-free paper and pressure paper can continue
to be used to print Special Invoice, special anti-fake paper is not
changed in a unified way for the time being. No unified national
stipulation is laid down for the use of paper for the other two forms of
Sixthly, The Special Invoice shall be printed by enterprises
designated by tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities in line with the principle of centralization and
unification, and reported to the State Administration of Taxation for the
record. Tax bureaus of cities with separate planning not located in
provincial capital cities may temporarily designate enterprises to print
Special Invoice, may chromatograph the unified national invoice
manufacture-supervision seal of the tax bureaus of cities with separate
planning, but the provinces and autonomous regions where they are located
shall still be printed at the top of the invoice in a unified way. The
Special Invoice used by enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Offshore
Oil Tax Administration shall be received and purchased from the tax
bureaus of the provinces or autonomous regions where the branches of the
Offshore Oil Tax Administration are located.

The various localities, after receiving this Notice, shall
immediately perform all preparatory work well prior to the printing of
Special Invoice, so as to ensure that the Special Invoices will be
distributed to the users before January 1, 1995. If the amount of special
anti-fake paper allocated by the State Administration of Taxation is not
enough or the special anti-fake paper will not be delivered before the end
of November, the matter should be reported to the State Administration of
Taxation and has been granted approval, the various localities may use the
paper originally for invoices and printed a limited amount of Special
Invoice in order to meet the urgent need. But the printing amount must be
kept under strict control and limit the time for the alternate use of old
and new paper within one quarter.

